Gempar!! Lotong Betina Terlepas Dari Zoo Negara…

Al kisahnya… Nak dijadikan cerita… Segerombolan lotong-lotong bjantan dan betina yang terlepas dari zoo telah menceroboh masuk ke kawasan padang yang telah disewa untuk tujuan melatih budak-budak bermain ragbi… Maka coach yang sedang melatih budak-budak ni bengang la… Mau tak bengangnya… Beruk-beruk ni masuk ke kawasan yang dia sewa semata-mata nak buat demo…

Siap bawak sepanduk ‘Children Rights’ (minit ke 2:42) tapi sikit pun tak hormat kat budak-budak sedang berlatih…

Macam ni sikap Pakatan Rakyat… Budak kecik pun sudah menyampah sekarang… Sebab tak nampak kematangan langsung… Ikut sesuka tekak masuk ke padang yang orang lain sewa… Inilah namanya bila kaduk dah naik junjung…

Pulak tu ada lak hamlau dok melolong macam lotong… Korang tengok minit la kat 1:23…

Gambar yang dipercayai lotong betina yang terlepas dari zoo…

Apapun terima kasih kepada Malaysiakini kerana berjaya menepek tahi lembu ke muka sendiri dengan menyiarkan video di atas ini… Banyak komen-komen yang mengutuk tindakan beruk-beruk ni yang takde tamadun…

The teacher has all the right to get angry. Yes, you have the right to march, but you have to respect other people’s rights as well. The teacher was there before you arrived, and he was not doing anything else but to train the school kids. He is right when he said to control your crowd. Moreover, you said not to shout to the teacher, but who is shouting and provoking ie 1:23? I support the march unreservedly, but please, the teacher is doing his job. so please respect that.

banebittii 1 week ago

Ape ke bangang aktivis wanita ni.. dah cikgu tu sewa dulu padang tu.. hormatlah sikit.. budak-budak tu tgh praktice.. jangan la langgar kawasan orang.. benda macam tu pun takleh fikir ke.. kalau nak org hormat hak kita.. kita pun kena la hormat hak orang lain..

tokjeng 1 week ago

Tgklah sendiri apa akan berlaku andai PEROSAK KEAMANAN RAKYAT(PKR) ini yg memeritah bumi Malaysia ini..Fikir2kanlah wahai rakyat xkiralah Melayu atau Cina atau India sekalipun…


Somebody said from the shirts worn by the coaches, they’re from Bintang Rugby Club. Every weekend they’ll conduct free rugby training for kids at Padang Utara PJ.

Respect for the coach on what he has done and hope he continues what he is doing…

To those people who disrespected him and the children there… no you are not helping protecting our rights… you helping your own agenda… same coin, different sides…


Salute kepada anda coach….. anda menegakkan hak anda dan anak2 anda…. kita dapat menilai samada yang menjerit2 tu wanita atau betina…. yang pastinya betina2 ni dah sampai tahap bangsat….


“we are the leaders of tomorrow”?! Yeah rite! We dont need leaders with this kinda attitude…!


coach who are you man… please add me as your friend ….HAT’s OFF TO YOU… A MAN WITH PRINCIPLE!!!!!


I respect the teacher. For the activists, if this is the manner shown, haiyooo, your children hopefully not grown up to be monkeys like u.


OOOOHHHHohohohoho….memalukan­…diri sndiri menidakkan hak org (kanak2 pulak tu), nk justice konon…demo ni khas untuk kaum wanita tp mane sifat@naluri keibuan seorg wanita!!!!?…hahahahaa…


Kepada coach Bintang Rugby Club… WA SALUTE SAMA LU!!