Hishamuddin Sesat!! Krismas Bukan Maulid Nabi Isa!!

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Hishamuddin Rais (Tukar Tiub) Sosialis Sesat!!

Juak-juak PR semakin hari semakin sesat, termasuklah Hisham Rais si beruk sosialis… Semakin lama semakin celaru otaknya… Mungkin akibat penyakit meroyan yang dihidapinya sejak kecil…

Terbaru dan terkini Hishamuddin Rais mengucapkan “SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MAULUDDUL RASUL NABI ISA” di dalam blognya Tukar Tiub… Lihatlah betapa sesatnya Hisham Rais dengan menganggap Hari Natal atau Hari Krismas yang disambut pada 25 Disember (esok) merupakan hari maulid Nabi Isa Alaihissalam…

Mungkin ramai yang tak tahu bahawa 25 Disember dikatakan hari lahir dewa pagan bernama Mithra. Dan ada sesetengah yang percaya bahawa Jesus adalah kelahiran semula Dewa Mithra. Ada pula menyatakan bahawa 25 Disember merupakan tarikh kelahiran Dewa Saturn… Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui…

“Mithra was born on December 25th as an offspring of the Sun. Next to the gods Ormuzd and Ahrimanes, Mithra held the highest rank among the gods of ancient Persia. He was represented as a beautiful youth and a Mediator. Reverend J. W. Lake states: “Mithras is spiritual light contending with spiritual darkness, and through his labors the kingdom of darkness shall be lit with heaven’s own light; the Eternal will receive all things back into his favor, the world will be redeemed to God. The impure are to be purified, and the evil made good, through the mediation of Mithras, the reconciler of Ormuzd and Ahriman. Mithras is the Good, his name is Love. In relation to the Eternal he is the source of grace, in relation to man he is the life-giver and mediator” (Plato, Philo, and Paul, p. 15).”

Malah dalam artikel lain juga menyatakan…

“Jesus was not even born in the winter season! When the Christ-child was born “there were in the same country shepherds ABIDING in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night” (Luke 2:8). This never could have occurred in Judaea in the month of December. The shepherds always brought their flocks from the mountainsides and fields and corralled them not later than October 15, to protect them from the cold, rainy season that followed that date. Notice that the Bible itself proves, in Song of Solomon 2:11 and Ezra 10:9, 13, that winter was a rainy season not permitting shepherds to abide in open fields at night.

“It was an ancient custom among Jews of those days to send out their sheep to the fields and deserts about the Passover (early spring), and bring them home at commencement of the FIRST RAIN,” says the Adam Clarke Commentary (Vol. 5, page 370, New York ed.)

Continuing, this authority states: “During the time they were out, the shepherds watched them night and day. As…the first rain began early in the month of Marchesvan, which answers to part of our October and November (begins sometime in OCTOBER), we find that the sheep were kept out in the open country during the whole SUMMER. And, as these shepherds had not YET brought home their flocks, it is a presumptive argument that October had not yet commenced, and that, consequently, our Lord was not born on the 25th of December, when no flocks were out in the fields; nor could He have been born later than September, as the flocks were still in the fields BY NIGHT. On this very ground, the nativity in December should be given up. The feeding of the flocks by night in the fields is a CHRONOLOGICAL FACT…See the quotations from the Talmudists in Lightfoot.”

Any encyclopedia, or any other authority, will tell you that Christ was not born on December 25. The Catholic Encyclopedia frankly states this fact.”

Jadi… Kepada pencacai-pencacai yang backup Hishamuddin Sesat tu, bawak-bawak bertaubatlah… Korang ni dah jauh sesat… Memang tak salah memberi ucapan Hari Natal, tetapi memesongkan fakta bahawa 25 Disember merupakan hari maulid Nabi Isa adalah bercanggah dengan Islam dan menyesatkan umat Islam yang lain…

Kepada Hishamuddin, dari hang dok ‘Tukar Tiub’ ada baiknya hang pi tukar fius dalam kepala hotak hang tu… Fius dalam kepala hotak hang tu dah lama berkarat… Cuba rujuk dengan pakar otak, mana tahu kot-kot penyakit gila meroyan hang tu datang balik…



The Origin Of Christmas

The Truth about CHRISTMAS

Jesus as a Reincarnation of Mithra

Mithra: The Pagan Christ

*Nota: Kepada umat Islam yang ingin membaca rujukan di atas pastikan keteguhan iman anda cukup kuat agar tidak terpesong akidah seperti Hisham Rais… MasyaAllah…

Hishamuddin Sesat!! Krismas Bukan Maulid Nabi Isa!!

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Hishamuddin Rais (Tukar Tiub) Sosialis Sesat!!

Juak-juak PR semakin hari semakin sesat, termasuklah Hisham Rais si beruk sosialis… Semakin lama semakin celaru otaknya… Mungkin akibat penyakit meroyan yang dihidapinya sejak kecil…

Terbaru dan terkini Hishamuddin Rais mengucapkan “SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MAULUDDUL RASUL NABI ISA” di dalam blognya Tukar Tiub… Lihatlah betapa sesatnya Hisham Rais dengan menganggap Hari Natal atau Hari Krismas yang disambut pada 25 Disember (esok) merupakan hari maulid Nabi Isa Alaihissalam…

Mungkin ramai yang tak tahu bahawa 25 Disember dikatakan hari lahir dewa pagan bernama Mithra. Dan ada sesetengah yang percaya bahawa Jesus adalah kelahiran semula Dewa Mithra. Ada pula menyatakan bahawa 25 Disember merupakan tarikh kelahiran Dewa Saturn… Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui…

“Mithra was born on December 25th as an offspring of the Sun. Next to the gods Ormuzd and Ahrimanes, Mithra held the highest rank among the gods of ancient Persia. He was represented as a beautiful youth and a Mediator. Reverend J. W. Lake states: “Mithras is spiritual light contending with spiritual darkness, and through his labors the kingdom of darkness shall be lit with heaven’s own light; the Eternal will receive all things back into his favor, the world will be redeemed to God. The impure are to be purified, and the evil made good, through the mediation of Mithras, the reconciler of Ormuzd and Ahriman. Mithras is the Good, his name is Love. In relation to the Eternal he is the source of grace, in relation to man he is the life-giver and mediator” (Plato, Philo, and Paul, p. 15).”

Malah dalam artikel lain juga menyatakan…

“Jesus was not even born in the winter season! When the Christ-child was born “there were in the same country shepherds ABIDING in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night” (Luke 2:8). This never could have occurred in Judaea in the month of December. The shepherds always brought their flocks from the mountainsides and fields and corralled them not later than October 15, to protect them from the cold, rainy season that followed that date. Notice that the Bible itself proves, in Song of Solomon 2:11 and Ezra 10:9, 13, that winter was a rainy season not permitting shepherds to abide in open fields at night.

“It was an ancient custom among Jews of those days to send out their sheep to the fields and deserts about the Passover (early spring), and bring them home at commencement of the FIRST RAIN,” says the Adam Clarke Commentary (Vol. 5, page 370, New York ed.)

Continuing, this authority states: “During the time they were out, the shepherds watched them night and day. As…the first rain began early in the month of Marchesvan, which answers to part of our October and November (begins sometime in OCTOBER), we find that the sheep were kept out in the open country during the whole SUMMER. And, as these shepherds had not YET brought home their flocks, it is a presumptive argument that October had not yet commenced, and that, consequently, our Lord was not born on the 25th of December, when no flocks were out in the fields; nor could He have been born later than September, as the flocks were still in the fields BY NIGHT. On this very ground, the nativity in December should be given up. The feeding of the flocks by night in the fields is a CHRONOLOGICAL FACT…See the quotations from the Talmudists in Lightfoot.”

Any encyclopedia, or any other authority, will tell you that Christ was not born on December 25. The Catholic Encyclopedia frankly states this fact.”

Jadi… Kepada pencacai-pencacai yang backup Hishamuddin Sesat tu, bawak-bawak bertaubatlah… Korang ni dah jauh sesat… Memang tak salah memberi ucapan Hari Natal, tetapi memesongkan fakta bahawa 25 Disember merupakan hari maulid Nabi Isa adalah bercanggah dengan Islam dan menyesatkan umat Islam yang lain…

Kepada Hishamuddin, dari hang dok ‘Tukar Tiub’ ada baiknya hang pi tukar fius dalam kepala hotak hang tu… Fius dalam kepala hotak hang tu dah lama berkarat… Cuba rujuk dengan pakar otak, mana tahu kot-kot penyakit gila meroyan hang tu datang balik…



The Origin Of Christmas

The Truth about CHRISTMAS

Jesus as a Reincarnation of Mithra

Mithra: The Pagan Christ

*Nota: Kepada umat Islam yang ingin membaca rujukan di atas pastikan keteguhan iman anda cukup kuat agar tidak terpesong akidah seperti Hisham Rais… MasyaAllah…